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Conferences and seminars

The 10th International Scientific Conference The Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra in History,Culture and Spiritual Life of Russia

The X conference "Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the history, culture and spiritual life of Russia" was organized by the Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve together with the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra and the Moscow Orthodox Theological Academy.
  The conference was held on October 26 - October 27, 2016. The conference was opened by S.V. Nikolaev.


Было заслушано 33 доклада известных исследователей отечественных (Москва, Вологда, Ростов Великий, Калуга) и зарубежных (Украина) научных учреждений и музеев. Треть докладов подготовлена сотрудниками Сергиево-Посадского музея-заповедника. Основные положения докладов изложены в изданных музеем тезисах. Конференция внесла определённый вклад в дальнейшее освещение многообразных аспектов богатейшей истории древнего монастыря (как средневекового, так и нового и новейшего времени), в раскрытие глубинного смысла основ его религиозной жизни, роли духовного наследия преподобного Сергия Радонежского.


The conference materials allow us to expand and deepen our understanding of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra as one of the major centers of Russian culture not only in the early period, studied relatively well, but also in the later XVIII-XX centuries, which has recently become the object of close attention of researchers .

Regularly held conferences attest to the relevance of the project being implemented by the Sergiev Posad Museum together with the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra and the Moscow Theological Academy since 1998. Its special value is in combining the efforts of secular institutions of science and culture and spiritual institutions in studying complex issues of the history of the famous monastery and its cultural and spiritual heritage.

A collection of materials of the previous, IX conference, held on October 16-17, 2014, was published for this conference. The exhibition “Rev. Sergiy of Radonezh - Assistant to the entire State and Russian Sovereigns” also worked, in which some museums of Moscow and the Moscow region take part.