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Scientific conferences in the museum were organized from the middle 1950s. Since the beginning of the 1990s, conferences have been held almost every year. They are attended by famous scientists and museum workers not only from Russia, but also from other countries.
Scientific employees annually prepare various exhibitions in the museum itself, as well as participate in exhibitions organized by other museums, providing exhibits of their collections. Sergiev Posad Museum takes an active part in joint exhibitions and various partner projects and programs.
The museum workers carried out hundreds of scientific works, many of which were published in the form of monographs, catalogs, albums and articles. They are the result of many years of the Museum's scientific research.     
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Traditions of the restoration work in the Museum were laid by the Commission for the Protection of Monuments of Art and Antiquities of the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra in 1919-22.
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Museum editions

Манушина Т.Н., Николаева С.В., Шитова Л.А. Троице-Сергиева лавра и русские государи: реликвии и художественные сокровища (без упаковки). М., Брейгель и Алекс. 2002 г. – 240 с.; 153 цв.ил.
ПРЕПОДОБНЫЙ СЕРГИЙ РАДОНЕЖСКИЙ Образ простоты, правды, святости. Иконография XV - начала XX века. Альбом-каталог. . М.:Лето, 2014. - 432с.
Троице-Сергиева Лавра в истории, культуре и духовной жизни России: материальные свидетельства духовной культуры. Сборник материалов VIII международной конференции 3-5 октября 2012 года.. Сергиев Посад: Ремарко, 2013. — ил. ISBN-978-5-903615-33-9
Шитова Л.А. Русские иконы в драгоценных окладах. Конец XVII - начало XX в.. Сергиев Посад, 2005 г. - 224 с.; 304 цв.ил. (текст на русском и английском языках)
The Museum is actively carried out archaeological expeditions and expeditions for collecting items of folk art.
The scientific library of the Museum total almost 20,000 units, its composition is directed to the study of Museum collections.