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Work time:
Wednesday – Sunday 10 00 – 18.00
Tickets prices:
Ticket for 1 exhibition or exhibition:
  • adult - 160 rubles.
  • preferential - 80 rubles.

Photo and video shooting in the museum premises on the visitor's equipment (photo or video camera), without using a flash, tripod and monopod
  • Photo - 170 rubles/person.
  • Video - 230 rubles/person.

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Exhibition “The Soul Keeps Memories. Childhood. 1950s.”

The exhibition “The Soul Keeps Memories” reconstructs every-day life of the Zagorsk citizens in the middle of the 20th century, emphasizing children’s perception of that time. The visitors can follow the children’s growing up from birth to adult life, and feel the atmosphere of working days and holidays in the 1950s, created by the interior fragments of a corridor, children’s corner and living room.

Wonderful school years are illustrated by textbooks, copy-books, notebooks, pens and, above all, by a school-girl leaving party dress. Five years passed after the war and people finely realized that it was really over. The post-war economy regeneration was coming to an end. That period was stuck to people’s memory due to a great desire to overcome the war disasters, to work hard to bring up the children for the sake of their peaceful future and a hope that a long and happy life was in store for them after the victory.

After the war people tried to put their life in order, but a lot of them still lived in overcrowded communal apartments. A significant part of the exhibits is displayed for the first time.